
I’m a Helsinki-based writer and documentaristBesides writing nonfiction I photograph and work on various art projects. I’ve also made television and radio documentaries.

My fourth nonfiction book on Africa will be published in the beginning of 2021. It tells about Cape Town and Cape Townians during the water crises and pandemia. The first book White on Black (2006) also takes place in South Africa, but its’ context is culture of violence and its´ main characters are former freedom fighters. For my work I’ve lived periods of time in Southern and Eastern Africa.

I have held own exhibitions in the Finnish Museum of Photography, in the Northern Photographic Centre and in the Helinä Rautavaara Museum. I’ve also participated in several group exhibitions.

I have an MA in cultural studies from the University of Helsinki, a Postgraduate Diploma in Film and Television from the University of Bristol and a teacher’s qualification from the Häme University of Applied Sciences.

You can contact me at

+358 (0)50 582 6683


Annu Kekäläinen